Support Seasons Hospice
Sustained by Generosity Since 1996
As a 5-star rated 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Seasons Hospice accepts various forms of charitable contributions. With this support, we provide compassionate care and comfort to individuals in need of hospice services and grief support for those who are bereaved. Your donation will impact the lives of the patients and families we care for on our hospice program and through our grief support services.
If you are interested in donating by cash or check, please drop your donation off in person or mail your gift to Seasons Hospice, 1696 Greenview Drive SW, Rochester, MN 55902. For more information, email us at or call our office at 507-285-1930.
You can also make a donation through a Donor-Advised Fund. Please contact the organization in charge of your DAF to designate a gift to Seasons Hospice. Please contact our Director of Development and Engagement with any questions you may have.
To learn more about planned giving options, click here or call our main office to speak with our Director of Development and Engagement at 507-285-1930.
Donations make a difference
Many of the programs and services Seasons Hospice provides for our hospice patients and bereavement clients are made possible by charitable contributions. These services add quality of life to our patients' days, and your generosity helps to make this possible.
Our nursing staff, hospice aides, and trained medical assistants attend to medical and personal care needs. All care is overseen by our medical director and nurse practitioner.
Our on-staff chaplains provides spiritual support, and our social workers offer assistance to help patients and their families navigate end of life processes.
We provide opportunities to improve quality of life, promote relaxation and calming, and life review. Some unique experiences include pet therapy, music and massage therapy, and Veteran to Veteran visits.
Our team is available for people who are experiencing grief after the loss of a loved one. Support can include one-on-one sessions or support groups.
“There are not enough words to thank you for all that you did for my mom during her illness. The care and services you provided were such a godsend for us - you are all so wonderful!”