Seasons Hospice Seeking Volunteers for our NEW In-House Therapy Dog Program!
We are conducting classes in-house to train you and your dog to become a Seasons Hospice volunteer with a Certified Pet Therapy Dog. This will allow you to provide visits with your registered therapy dog to hospice patients for the purpose of love, support, comfort, and animal companionship.
Interested volunteers should have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate with many different populations. Potential therapy dogs must be a minimum of one year of age and be calm, gentle, polite, and interact appropriately and comfortably with unfamiliar people in unfamiliar settings.
All potential therapy dogs and their handlers are screened carefully prior to acceptance into the comprehensive therapy dog training program. To learn more about this unique and rewarding volunteer opportunity, please contact Angela Palm at 507-285-1930 ext. 1231.
Heart and Hands of Hospice
Volunteers are an integral part of the Seasons Hospice 5-star rated team, providing compassion and support when it is needed most. Our volunteers provide special care and companionship to patients, families, and staff.
All are welcome to contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities. Required training is provided for all volunteers.
Angela Palm, Volunteer and Events Coordinator
507-285-1930 ext. 1231
Ways to Volunteer
Direct patient care
These volunteers provide supportive services for our patients wherever they call home. Services may include offering companionship and support, assistance with chores, or providing respite for the family caregiver.
Hospice House
Volunteers are a welcoming presence at the Hospice House, providing hospitality for patients and guests. Services may include companionship, light housekeeping, cooking, and clinical staff support.
Outdoor gardens and Grounds
Our Hospice House and office grounds are filled with beautiful gardens and lawns that require tender loving care.
11th Hour vigil
Assuring that no one dies alone, these volunteers give the gift of presence to any patient in need during their final moments.
Grief Support
These volunteers provide grief support services for family members, providing personal support through phone calls and cards. Volunteers may also assist with grief support groups.
Office and Special Projects
Volunteers offer administrative assistance with filing, reception, mailings, event support, and more.
We welcome groups to assist with special projects such as lawn care, deep cleaning, and a variety of special administrative tasks.
Pet Therapy
Highly trained pet therapy teams consisting of therapy dogs and their owner/handlers bring joy, warmth, and smiles to our patients and their loved ones.
“We Honor Veterans”
These volunteers express our nation’s gratitude and a final salute during a special ceremony for our veteran patients.