Establish Your Legacy
Ensuring a Sound Financial Future for seasons hospice
“You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life.”
-Dame Cicely Saunders
The generosity of our legacy donors advances our mission and ensures our ability to provide hospice care and grief support for those in need for generations to come. Choosing to include Seasons Hospice in your estate or other financial plans, will help to ensure a sound financial base that will benefit individuals at the end of life many for years to come.
Seasons Hospice has been caring for individuals and families facing the end of life since 1996. Our team of healthcare professionals provides medical, emotional, spiritual, psychosocial, and grief support at a time when it is needed the most.
If you are considering making a planned gift to Seasons Hospice, please consult your financial advisor or contact our Development Office at or 507-285-1930.
Legacy Gift Options
There are many ways to make a lasting gift to Seasons Hospice and the following options represent the most common gift giving opportunities.
Chartable gifts of appreciated property offer you potential opportunities for tax savings while providing essential support for Seasons Hospice.
Qualified chartable distributions (QCD) directly from a IRA, are one of the most tax-savvy ways to give and support Seasons Hospice.
Endowment funds help to ensure the financial sustainability of Seasons Hospice. Your gift to the endowment can serve to perpetuate your annual giving and/or be directed to support a specific need.
Thank you for considering Seasons Hospice in your estate plans. Your legacy gift can be in the form of a specific monetary amount, a percentage of your trust or estate, a piece of property, or a percentage of the “residue” of your estate.
Please inform Seasons Hospice of your intentions so that we can welcome you to the Seasons of Life Society.
The following is sample bequest language, which may be adapted by your legal counsel to fit your individual circumstances:
“I hereby give to Seasons Hospice, Federal Tax I.D. number 41-1812914, located at 1696 Greenview Drive SW, Rochester, Minnesota, 55902, the sum of $_____ or_____% of my estate or property herein described, for the benefit of Seasons Hospice, to be used by its Board of Directors as it may deem advisable.”
Name Seasons Hospice as beneficiary of your life insurance policy. This also could result in estate tax savings for your heirs during your lifetime. You may donate a policy that you no longer need and qualify for an itemized income tax deduction.
Name Seasons Hospice as beneficiary of part or all of your IRA or retirement plan. This can result in income tax savings and, in some cases, estate tax savings as well.
Seasons of Life Society
The Seasons of Life Society recognizes and honors donors who include Seasons Hospice in their financial and/or estate plans.
These special supporters know their gift will create a lasting legacy that will help Seasons Hospice care for individuals at the end of life for years to come.
By their example, Seasons of Life Society members inspire others to consider how they too, may leave a lasting legacy to Seasons Hospice.
Contact Us
If you would like more information about how you might be able to assist Seasons Hospice with a donation or planned gift, please contact our Development Office at 507-285-1930 or email
“During my late wife’s final days of fighting cancer, she received hospice care that helped her and the rest of our family get through this difficult period. This hospice experience inspired me to make a planned gift to Seasons Hospice that will support their services in perpetuity.”