Hosted by GRAPH (Greater Rochester Area Providers of Hospice)
This is a free event, open to the public. Hosted by Seasons Hospice, Heartland Hospice, Mayo Hospice, and St Croix Hospice.
This event is designed to help people prepare for the future through estate planning and advance planning for medical care. Carol Shaffer, Seasons Hospice Chaplain and Advance Care Planning Facilitator, and Jason Wagner, attorney with Ward & Oehler will be the presenters. There will also be lawyers available to assist people with filling out documents such as powers of attorney, wills, and health care directives.
Please register prior to this event by visiting the following website:
Moments of Life Tickets, Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite
On the Registration page, you may select the green Register button, select number attending, and select Checkout. The page that follows will ask for your Name and Email address to confirm your registration.